Hello! My name is Jéróme. I am a guest on board Le Commandant Charcot’s voyage to East Greenland.
I live in London, in the United Kingdom, with my husband. I grew up in France! At home, I work for a company called Eurostar. My job title is “International Train Manager.” Eurostar operates trains throughout Europe. Some of the cities we visit are London, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. The train even travels in a tunnel under the English Channel! In my job, we work on contracts that require 12 to 14 days of service per month.
When I was younger, I was in school pursuing a degree at the highest level of academic achievement. I was 19, and guess what? I completely left everything, right in the middle of it. I was like, “I am going to go to London.” Everyone was like, “WHAT?” I said, “ I think I need the experience – and then, I'll come back.”
I never went back. I have learned that the best way to learn and to be open-minded is to travel. When you travel, you will meet so many people who are going to educate you. Just meeting new people and sharing different horizons is the best thing you can do to learn. That's what I've done since I was 20 years old.
For me, this trip is like a dream of a lifetime.