Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

This week, I did not travel outside of the city.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

I have been to several cities so far! The list includes: Villavicencio, Cartagena, Tunja, Nobsa, Raquira, Villa de Leyva, Pasto, Salento, and Pereira. 

How did I get around this week?:

I live in a pretty walkable part of the city. If I am not walking to and from work, I am most likely biking or taking public transportation like the bus. Since there are a lot of bike paths around the city, a lot of people use bikes to get around.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

During my weekend, I visited the Virgilio Barco Public Park in Bogota, which is super close to the Simon Bolivar Park. This library was beautiful, big and full of cultural activities, such as information about Chinese New Year. This library was really interesting because the architecture was absolutely beautiful. Outside of the library, there was a lot of green space full of nature and even street vendors! Spending the day at the library felt like a very relaxing, yet learning-filled, day!

Other Travel News from this week:

I'm excited to travel more this upcoming semester!
