Next, the Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza Superior Universitaria Privada (National Council of Private Higher Education) or CONESUP coordinates among private universities. Finally, the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (National Learning Institute) or INA, while it is a technical college, is also a government institution that streamlines education between these individual colleges throughout the country.
Now that you’ve had a general overview of the Costa Rican education system, what are your thoughts? What similarities and differences can you identify between the American and Costa Rican systems? Are there organizations that oversee different levels/types of education in the U.S.? If so, what are they? If you were to live in Costa Rica, what education path would you take? What types of schools would you attend? Would you ever study abroad in Costa Rica? If you have time, investigate the MEP protests of the past in Costa Rica. What happened and when? Have there been similar teacher-led protests in the U.S.?