In Israel and Palestine, traditions abound and many times intersect. One of the most interesting traditions is connected to the Western Wall. Devout Jewish people today pray towards Israel and face their synagogues in that direction. If they live in Israel, they pray towards Jerusalem, and if they live in Jerusalem, they pray towards the Western Wall.
The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall is one of the last remnants of the temple wall that was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE. Jewish people believe that the temple is one of the holiest and most sacred places in the world and will travel from all over the world to visit the Western Wall. Pilgrims, people who make the journey from their home to this sacred site, fold up pieces of paper with prayers and put them in the wall and pray. You must have your head covered if you are visiting.
This site is significant not only to people of Jewish faith, but also Muslims and Christians. For different yet similar reasons, all three religions believe that this place has religious significance, which is why so many people travel here. The prayers at the Wailing Wall are not just grieving what is destroyed, but hope for the future.