China’s history is a very long, complex, and interesting topic. Over a period of about 2000 years, hundreds of different Chinese emperors each brought different traditions and ideas to Chinese culture. While many things changed over this period, one tradition has transcended and lasted throughout all of China’s history: the tea ceremony and the guzheng.
I learned about traditional Chinese tea ceremonies and the playing of the guzheng (gu-geng). The tea ceremony and the playing of the guzheng naturally go together as they create a very peaceful ceremony. The guzheng is a string instrument that has very close similarities to a modern guitar. You might recognize the sounds of guzheng because it sounds similar to that of other traditional Asian string instruments. This is because the guzheng actually influenced them! The same can be said about the traditional Chinese tea ceremony and how it has influenced the development and creation of other countries' own tea ceremonies.
The tea ceremony is usually held in your home, and you hold it to bring peace to yourself, your home, and your guests. One person will pour tea for the most respected or eldest member of your group.