Shanghai is a city that contains about 24 million people. That is a lot of people! As a comparison, Australia as an entire continent also has about 24 million people. New York City has about 8 million people. Dallas, Texas, where I was born, has about 2 million people. Each of these places has its own preferred method of getting around. In Dallas it's by car, in Australia it's mostly by car, too, and in New York it's by subway. People in Shanghai get around using many different types of transportation such as the subway, buses, cars, taxis, and even bikes. Of course those other places I listed have people who use different forms of transportation, too, but because there are so many people in Shanghai, it's easy to see many different types of transportation being used.
Shanghai is such a big city that it needs several different methods of transportation. Since I've been here, I've personally gotten around in many different ways. I bought a bike so I can get around my campus more easily, but I have also used a public electric scooter, a public bike, a taxi, Didi (China's Uber), the subway, and even a bus. I have not gotten the chance to ride in a car that somebody owns. In Shanghai, if you own a car you are considered wealthy.