So I've had some pretty awkward encounters with people being close to me, and it's just something that I've had to get used to. I always meet some really cool people while I'm on the train, because when people look at me they always say, "What are you doing in China?!" I feel good about using this method of transportation; it is much better for the environment than what I used back home in Dallas. I had my own car in Dallas, and changing your habits from driving everywhere to using public transportation everyday does make you realize that your individual carbon footprint does have impact on the world. Shanghai's air is already a very polluted city, so that's why I feel like public transportation is a great option: it's efficient, cost friendly, and easy on the environment. I really enjoy getting around on the subway here.
Chinese people are often minimalist and frugal. To be frugal means to be really careful with money. It's never a bad thing to be careful with your money, especially when the benefits always outweigh the cons. You can honestly get to any part of the city via the subway, and the only costs are your time and about six yuan (.90 USD). All you have to do is get on a subway, get off relatively close to where you need to stop, then pick up a bike to get to where you need to go. It sounds like a lot of work, but when you compare that to driving here, it makes so much more sense with your money. Going this route to get somewhere also keeps you very active. You can fit in some nice exercise before you get to your destination. People in China are really healthy and take care of their bodies very well.