What's It Like Being a Kid in Tronadora?

These students generally take the bus, and the commute ranges between 20-45 minutes each way.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

Every day at exactly 11:50a.m. in the morning, a siren (like that belonging to a police car) blares throughout the elementary and high school. This lets just about the whole town know it's lunch time. Some students end up leaving campus and eating at home with their families. Others have parents who come to the school and drop off a packed lunch. However, most students line up in the cafeteria and eat whatever is served. These students note that the pizza served on Fridays is what keeps them motivated throughout the week.

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

Everyone speaks Spanish at school, although just about everyone also starts to learn English starting in first grade! Remember, "hello" in spanish is Hola!

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

Jose, Carlos, Julio, Fabiana, Veronica, Elsie... the list goes on. However, remembering names here in Tronadora is really hard because almost everyone ends up adopting a nickname. Maybe they end up calling you Gemelo because you're a twin or Mandona because you're bossy. Everyone calls me Colochos because I have curly hair and no one can pronounce my real name! 

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

In elementary school, students practice math, reading and writing, computer skills and English. However, the high school in Tronadora is structured a little differently.
