There are many different ethnic groups within Ghana, including the Ewe people, the Ga people, and the Akan people. They all have different traditions within their communities, but there are also customs that all Ghanaians know about and share together. Many of them have to do with some sort of social interaction that is widely practiced throughout the country. One of my favorite traditions here is the concept of "day names." Newborns are given a name based on the day that they were born, and it is used a lot like a first name. Although there is a wide range of day names, there are different forms of them that are known by all.
One tradition is the Ghanaian handshake. It was one of the first things I learned how to do in Ghana since it is the most popular way to greet new people. Instead of just shaking the other person's hand, you grab their hand and snap their middle finger. It is a little difficult for me because I can't snap very well, but I have a good time trying! Another interesting tradition is speaking "You are invited" phrase. When someone sees a friend or family member, or if they are just generous, they might offer them some of their food. While some people might ask for the food first, it is more common for someone to utter the phrase, "You are invited." A third tradition that is native to Ghanaians is the left-handed insult.