Small Ships and Environmental Sustainability

Wind Surf's sails help it to reduce its environmental footprint! Wind Surf reduces fuel consumption by using the natural, renewable, emission-free power of Caribbean breezes to get to islands like Dominica. We'll talk much more about Wind Surf's gigantic sails in the weeks to come. Wind Surf's engines use a cleaner type of fuel than other larger ships, reducing the ship's emissions and helping to preserve the air quality.

On Wind Surf, we also work to reduce the environmental footprint of our waste. Most non-recyclable waste produced onboard the ship is burned in a low-emission incinerator. Food waste is stored in a refrigerated storage area and is only unloaded (along with recyclables) at ports that are properly equipped to dispose of these items. Every crew member receives a lot of training on environmental issues, too. They encourage guests to join them in this mission to take care of the places the ship sails and never damage their unique eco-systems.

Roseau, Dominica
