School in Irvine vs. Seoul

At home, I need to stick to my agenda and planned schedule because if I don't I have a difficult time getting back on track. The reason for this is that public colleges in California use a quarter system.  The quarter system is a ten-week study term in which students usually take three to five classes.  At Yonsei University in Korea, the school has a 15 week study term. The semester system is a little longer, so I have extra time for studying and getting work done. However, the fact that I have 15 weeks feels a bit strange to me. I have gotten so used to the quarter system that I find Yonsei’s semester system incredibly long!

Since I have more time, I can be incredibly spontaneous while studying in Seoul. In Irvine, California I usually stick to a strict schedule, and I do not have time to partake in events unless I have them planned ahead of time. While in Seoul, I have been able to take many spontaneous trips after class or even spend time with my friends at the last minute. In a way, I feel like my schedule is not as strict or rigid as it is in the U.S.A.

While the differences are not incredibly different, they are still noticable. While studying abroad, I have missed certain parts of my academic life at my American university (U.C.I.).  For example, I like the fast pace of the quarter system, sticking to my rigid schedule, and studying at the library. Yet, I realize that when I complete my study abroad in Korea, I will also miss going to cafes and being more spontaneous during the school weeks. I'm also glad that I've had more spontaneous time available to enjoy and learn about this culture while I am here!
