All About The Cheetah

Cheetahs require vast expanses of land with suitable prey, water and resources to survive. As wildlands are destroyed and fragmented by human expansion the cheetah’s available habitat is also destroyed. Available habitats are fragmented all over the world, reducing the number of animals an area can support. Numerous landscapes across Africa that once supported thousands of cheetahs now struggle to support just a handful.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade:

In many parts of the world, there are strong cultural associations to keeping cheetahs as companions. There is a long history of this practice and it is commonly seen in ancient art. In modern times, cheetahs are still viewed as status symbols. Though cheetah ownership and exotic pet ownership have been outlawed in many countries, there is still a high demand for cheetahs as pets. Cubs are illegally captured from the wild, and only one-in-six survive the journey to a potential buyer.

Somaliland and Namibia
Location Data:
POINT (34.508523 -8.783195)
