Meet Hema: One of My First Friends in India


I have met many wonderful people in India so far! One of the first people I met was Hema, another student in my lab. She is a very friendly person. Hema helped me learn how to get around Bengaluru when I first arrived. She also taught me a lot about the university and nearby market. I thought it would be nice for you all to get to know a little about her as well!

What is your full name?:

“Hemalatha Bhagavan”

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

“I’m from Salem, Tamil Nadu, which is in southern India. Currently, I reside in Bangalore, in a neighborhood called Sakahar Nagar. I live in a two-bedroom house. Me and my roommate share the house."

Hema’s house is similar to what we would call an apartment in the U.S. It is on the bottom floor of a building with other apartments above it. There is a small kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room.

What is your family like?:

“Mine is a nuclear family. I have a mom, a dad and a younger brother. My mom is a retired government school teacher. My dad was a retired officer at a telephone office in India called BSNL. My younger brother works in business. We also have a family dog.”

How do you get around?:

“I use uber usually.
