A Valencian Way of Life

How do you get around?:

Although Valencia has an incredible public transportation system, I have my own car. I use it to go most places that are out of walking distance. I love being able to take my students to school every morning and being able to travel to other parts of Spain on my own.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Although I dress up every now and then, I love comfy clothes! Most days I wear jeans and a cotton shirt. However, I'll never turn down a chance to go shopping!

What do you like to do in your free time?:

The weather is starting to change in Valencia and get colder. When it is cold outside, I like to stay inside and be warm. I love to snuggle up with my dog and watch Netflix. But, when the weather is warm, I love to be outside. The beach is very close to my house, so I spend a lot of time there in the summer. 

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I am fluent in three different languages: Spanish, Valencian, and English.

Hello in Spanish is Hola...but I'm sure you already knew that!

Do you have pets?:

Yes! I have a mini pinscher. Her name is Pippa and I love her more than anything. 

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I love to travel!

Because it is so easy to travel from Spain, I have visited almost every country in Europe. Within the United States, I have traveled to New York, Chicago, California, Boston, and Florida. I have also been to Costa Rica and Brazil, and I recently got back from a vacation in Mexico. 
