Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

I went from Kiel to Copenhagen, and then I got on a plane in Copenhagen to travel all the way to New Delhi, India! India is 3,600 miles away from Germany, and it took eight hours to get here by plane.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

When I came to Kiel from Chicago, I had to travel 4,250 miles, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean! Since then, I've traveled to more than ten countries, which means I've probably traveled as many miles as it takes to go all the way around the world twice. 

How did I get around this week?:

This week, I mostly got around by taking the bus or walking! Most people in Germany prefer to walk or bike to go to school and work. I also took trains and planes this week to travel.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

I visited a park in Copenhagen called Tivoli, which was a very special kind of park. It had water fountains and pools with huge sailboats, flower gardens that came in every color of the rainbow and even some rides for kids. I spent a whole day there just walking around, and I even got to ride the carousel!

Other Travel News from this week:

I traveled a lot this week! After all the buses, trains and planes, I finally made it to India for my cousin's wedding next week. I'll be in India for the rest of the month, so stay tuned for pictures!
