Our News

What activity was the most fun this week?:

This week I had so much fun walking through the streets of Prague. The streets in Prague are made of cobblestone. Cobblestone streets are made of square pieces of rock and are very bumpy. The buildings in Prague are all different colors, so it was a very beautiful city to explore. Which building do you think is the prettiest in your city?

What did I read this week?:

I started two new classes this week. These classes are very fun and interesting. One of them is called Women in the Economy. In this class, I read about the history of women working in jobs and at home. What women do you know that have jobs?

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week I went on a scavanger hunt in Prague. A scavanger hunt is a game where you look around the city and try to find different famous statues and buildings. I love exploring new places and learning what is special about them! Have you ever done a scavenger hunt? 

Other news from this week:

Sunday was a special holiday in Prague called The Feast of St. Martin. This day celebrates the fall harvest and its delicious food. At 11:11 in the morning, a man dressed like St. Martin rides into town on a white horse. Once he arrives, everyone in the town drinks the juice of fresh grapes and eats roasted goose. 
