The Daily Life of My Friend, Liban


I will be introducing you to my friend in this Field Note. He has never visited Los Angeles and he hopes to do so this year. I love Los Angeles so I was very excited about hearing that. He answered some questions and I have his responses typed below. I hope you enjoy this little interview!

What is your full name?:

Liban Odowa

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live in Blaine, Minnesota. I live in a two-story house in the suburbs.

What is your family like?:

I have two sisters and one brother. I am very close to my parents.

How do you get around?:

I like taking public transportation because it allows me to travel to different places very easily.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

I like wearing jeans and a jacket because it is always raining here.

What do you like to do in your free time?:

I like to play video games, watch YouTube videos and read forums on Reddit!

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak English and some Arabic. Marhabaan means Hello in my language. 

Do you have pets?:

Unfortunately, I do not.
