When visiting a new place or learning about a culture, food is the first thing that comes to my mind! I’ll share what Emily has to say about the food in Chile, and food recommendations thanks to the Chileans in my internship.
Even though I did not physically go to Santiago, I do have some knowledge about the foods there. According to my own research and my teammates from Liceo Herbert Vargas Wallis (HVW), Chilean cuisine is not only unique and wonderful, but it's also as diversified as anything else in the world's second-longest country. This makes sense, given the vast variety of climates, soil and ecosystems at play. Because they knew my family is Mexican, they were as fascinated by my culture as I was theirs. They told me I should try humitas, which are Chile's take on tamales. Humitas are produced from boiling flour and corn mixture and can be sweet or savory, almost exactly like Mexico’s tamales. My teammates from Liceo HVW mentioned that they enjoy them a lot and know I would too! If you ever find yourself in Chile, try humitas!