In Guatemala, 21 Mayan languages are spoken, with half of the country's population using a Mayan language as their first language. In Patzun, where I live, the language is Kaqchikel, spoken by around 500,000 people in the country. You'll catch people chatting in Kaqchikel all over town, on the bus and in schools. Even though Spanish is often called the main language, you'll mostly hear Kaqchikel in family settings. Older family members usually speak Kaqchikel, so their kids grow up speaking it, too.
Did you remember your homework? I'll try not to spoil it! The local currency in Guatemala is named after its national bird! This beautiful creature has vibrant green feathers, black inner wings, a bold red chest and a white undertail. The males are especially dazzling with their bright colors, while the females are a bit duller with shorter tails. Have you guessed it yet? Read the next section to find out!
A bottle of water goes for about five quetzales, which is roughly 65 cents. But I usually grab a bigger 5-gallon jug that lasts me the whole week. A truck drops off these jugs at my local store, and I pick one up for just 19 quetzales, which is almost $2.50.