My parents are on their usual concrete block in the middle of the compound, next to a small fire that is dying out. My husband and I gather sticks and bring them back to the fire. My father proudly remarks that I tenoyi, or got wood for the fire.
9:00 PM
My host parents, my husband and I, and my little host brother all eat at a bowl together. People pop in randomly to ask my dad questions or to tell him about something happening in town today or to pay for something. My mom is also apprised of the village happenings and takes her job as Madam le Maire seriously, being held in high respect by people of our village.
10:00 PM
After eating dinner and kiriying, or spending time in the evening, with our parents around the fire, my husband and I decide to go home. I end the day heating up water for some herbal tea I bought at a grocery store in the country’s capital a few months ago. I scroll TikTok and sip tea in my courtyard which is finally a lovely 77 degrees. It’s been a full Monday, and I am tired. I get into bed under my mosquito net and don my eye mask and ear plugs. The thumping EDM music from the nightly parties is just now starting and will likely go till two or three in the morning, but I will be fast asleep till the morning prayer.