26th Annual Lotus World Music and Art Festival Bloomington

People from across ages and countries develop friendships working alongside each other to create a world-class music festival. 

Why does the community have this need?:

The community in Bloomington is diverse because of the famous Indiana University which has an enormous number of students, scholars, and faculty from across the globe. Besides, Bloomington also has a strong community of retired senior-citizens who live mostly by themselves. In an order to bring such diverse people together and to cater to the well-being of every individual, the community has been organizing this festival every year for the last 26 years!

Is this need being met? How?:

I volunteered at the Lotus World Music and Art Festival and I became friends with many local residents who relentlessly worked towards making the program a huge success. I was allotted the duty to put up tents and organize tables to put up art galleries at a park. These tents were used to provide art and craft workshop to kids. This was my first time putting up a tent and I thoroughly enjoyed this unique experience. I was also given a coupon to enjoy an evening of performances where I saw music bands from 5 different nations i.e. China, Finland, France, Sweden, and the USA perform! It was overall an extraordinary experience where I truly felt included and appreciated in a community where I had been living for just a few months. 

Bloomington, Indiana, The United States of America
