Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend : An Unforgettable Journey

Bright orange in color, the canyon generally shines when sunlight falls on it. Often, people see purple and pink shades of the sunlight falling inside the gorges. However, since we went here during winter, there was no sun and the sky was cloudy hence we couldn't see these colorful rays but we felt immensely lucky to see this place as it was snowing and we were told that they would close the canyon for travelers because it's not possible to navigate through it once it starts to snow heavily. 

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

It's a herculean task to reach this place. We crossed miles and miles of arid lands before we reached here. Once, we reached, we had to get another sturdy jeep which took us into the canyon. Once we got off the jeep, we had to hike all the way to the canyon.

Reaching this place is very very difficult and there are no human settlements near this place. Antelope Canyon is a part of the Navajo Nation, an area that typically belongs to the Native American people. However, over the period of time people other than those belonging to various Native American tribes have also settled here. People residing in this part of the world mostly rear cattle and involve in tourism activities as this place has major tourist attraction sites like Antelope Canyon which people come to see from across the world.

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

This place is not easily accessible however the people residing here are used to the remoteness this place is associated with. Also, the place is not fertile thereby making agriculture very difficult.
