How Do I Get From Here to There?

I enjoy sitting on the bus and seeing different people get on and off, while also watching the city roll past me. The bus makes me feel more connected to the city.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Buses are part of the larger public transportation system in Saarbrücken. There is also a tram line and regional trains. Buses are definitely connected to German culture, and, more widely, to European culture: they are everywhere! By contrast, in Albuquerque, you really need a car to get to school or to work or to the foodstore. However here in Saarbrucken, because the city is older and more condensed, it is more natural for people to walk or take the bus places. I have noticed that there are not as many large parking spaces here as there are in the United States. Also, with people in Saarbrucken typically living in apartment buildings, it is rare to see a garage for house parking here.

I have also noticed that in Germany, the people I have talked to are very conscious about the environment. They argue that the more people who choose to take public transportation, as opposed to driving a car, the lower the effect will be on the environment by humans. I really like this philosophy in Europe: the continent of buses rather than individual cars!. And now, having lived in Germany for a time, rather than needing a car, all I need is a bus or train ticket and I am on my way!

Saarbrücken 49.2402° N, 6.9969° E
