About an hour's drive from the heart of Santiago, you can find the beautiful costal town Valparaíso. It is a town known for its street art, graffiti and a lot of colorful buildings.
Join me on my journey through the streets of Santiago, Chile—they are full of beautiful street art and fresh baked empanadas! Let's explore together!
About an hour's drive from the heart of Santiago, you can find the beautiful costal town Valparaíso. It is a town known for its street art, graffiti and a lot of colorful buildings.
As our time comes to an end, I want to extend my gratitude to all of you for joining me in my exploration of Chile!
Chile is a very long country, and the community is diverse. Diversity, in this case, signifies that the different people have different needs because of location, experience, and place in society.
On Saturday, I met with a Chilean political organization and helped them paint a protest mural. Artwork and murals can be used to voice an opinon or show our hopes for the future.