Hasta luego! Do you know what that means? Translated from the Spanish language into English “hasta luego” signifies “see you later!” While traveling in Chile and Peru, the people encouraged me to use this phrase when saying goodbye because it implies that we will see one another again. In Chile’s native culture, the Mapuches believe that this life is not our only chance to interact with our friends and family. We will meet again in the future. I want to share this phrase with you, so that when you have to say goodbye, you can use this phrase in the hope that you will meet those you love again in the future.
My time in Chile has brought lots of beautiful people, artwork and experiences into my life. These gifts would not have come my way without the opportunity to travel. I will be sad to return home, but I am also excited for the holiday season with my family. I am most looking forward to gingerbread cookies! Another important part of my trip has been the opportunity to learn a new language. We can read and write in English, but sometimes language limits what we can express. When you learn a new language, you can develop new ways of understanding yourself and your emotions. It has been a gift to practice my Spanish knowledge with native speakers.