I think maybe the best meal this past week for me was lẩu Thái chay (vegan Thai-style hot pot). I went to a vegan restaurant with one my friends. A vegan restaurant is one that only uses food made from plants, so that means no meat, fish, dairy or eggs! We both hadn't had hot pot in a long time, so we decided to order it. We had to wait for the broth to boil before we could add some vegetables. We were so hungry at that time that we started picking small pieces of tofu and harder veggies like carrots out of the pot to munch on as we waited for everything to be ready. Thai-style hot pot in Vietnam is usually a little spicy and sour in taste, which is a flavor combination that I really enjoy. However, I don't actually know if the Thai hot pot here is anything like hot pot in Thailand. Maybe one day I'll have a chance to compare. Have any of you ever tried this or a different kind of hot pot before? Have you ever had a dish that was vegan?
This past week, I listened to some more of Kehlani's music. I also listened to some of Khalid's songs. Every week is listen to or just hear Vietnamese and Khmer music. I did choose to listen to some Khmer Krom music. If you remember from my previous logbook, the Khmer Krom are the indigenous people of the region that is now called Southern Vietnam.