Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

Aboard the JOIDES Resolution, the expedition team and crew speak many different languages. We communicate about our scientific work in English, but scientists and staff members also speak Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Filipino. It is a truly international expedition team!

What type of money is used here?:

Most of the time we don't need or use money aboard the ship. We get our meals on the ship for free as part of our work. There is a small shop aboard, though, so if I wanted to buy a small snack or t-shirt with the name of the ship on it, I could go there and spend U.S. dollars.

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

There is no need for water bottles aboard the ship. Everyone uses refillable containers to get their drinking water from faucets around the ship. The ship makes its own drinking water, which is pretty amazing! By not using plastic water bottles, we are reducing the amount of plastic in the world, which is especially important when you see how much plastic waste ends up in the world's seas.

What was the best meal this week?:

As a holiday celebration, the ship's catering staff made a very special Christmas treat: Lechon! Lechon is a whole roast pig that is stuffed with herbs and roasted over a charcol fire.
