Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

Well, this last Sunday I returned from a weekend trip to Riga, Latvia I had organized for my friend's birthday, and from there, I took a bus from Aarhus/Århus, from where I had flown out, back to Copenhagen. That's when I got another look at the Danish straits that I mentioned earlier!

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

In terms of distance within a single planned-out trip (from Copenhagen to Riga, via the towns of Esbjerg and Aarhus), I have traveled 1284 kilometers, which is 798 miles. During a three-day study tour in Denmark early in the semester, I traveled 410 km, or 255 miles, going and coming from Aarhus. Finally, I traveled roughly 94km (58.5 miles) roundtrip to and from the Swedish city of Malmö. So in total (and not counting travels within Copenhagen because that'd be hard to calculate), I have traveled 1788 km (1111 miles) thus far!

How did I get around this week?:

As with a lot of Danes, I travel primarily on foot with assistance from the metro. Some of my fellow study- abroad students have rented bikes, which are a large part of Danish travel and culture, but I am not a fan of how...aggressiv they can be with their movement.
