It turns out, as we stared into the depths of the slightly murky sea, there were more dolphins! We counted eight, so that definitely classifies as a pod of dolphins. It was the best thing we had seen so far on the crossing, and something we will remember forever. They were so close to us! I am sure they looked us in our eyes!
These dolphins are common to the Atlantic Ocean, but are found in all temperate and tropical waters around the world, including the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They live in a variety of habitats including bays, estuaries, harbours and, like ours, the open ocean.
Dolphins can get accidentally caught in fishing gear, which restricts their ability to swim freely and “breathe” as they are trapped by nets.
The increase in pollution in the sea and marine environments either by household wastes (such as plastics) or by oils and fuels from shipping all over the world. Both of these factors cause harm to dolphins by contaminating their environment.
Dolphins are very clever mammals that navigate and communicate by sound waves. Underwater noise activity from military equipment, oil and gas industry, or underwater construction can stress and injure their inner ears. They use their inner ears to navigate, so if these become damaged, it can prove fatal.
It is important we are aware of the impact of human interference in the marine environment including its influence on dolphins and other inhabitants. The more we do to protect the seas, the better it is for our dolphins and other marine life.