Meet the HMS Oardacious Team

I'll tell you more about myself shortly, but first let's meet the incredible crew that's preparing to head out to sea: Callum, Hugo, John and Tom H.

Callum (Skipper/Co-Founder)

Hi, I’m Callum and I’m the skipper of the 2022 race team. This is the second time that I’ve rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, having previously competed in this race in 2019. I’m a Weapon Engineering Officer (Submariner) in the Royal Navy and currently hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander. I co-founded the HMS Oardacious organization to raise money for submariners' mental health and to provide an opportunity to push myself to the limits. I can’t wait to see the stars at night and the Milky Way because we’re so far from land and there’s no light pollution. I’m not looking forward to being away from my family and children over Christmas, though!

Hugo (Co-Founder)

Hi, I’m Hugo and I helped co-found HMS Oardacious in 2019, having also previously rowed across the Altantic with the team that year. I wanted to create this team so we could raise money for important causes while doing something few people have done. Did you know that fewer people have rowed the Atlantic twice then have climbed Mount Everest?! I’m a Lieutenant Commander Marine Engineering Officer in the Royal Navy and currently look at how human performance research can help submariners be effective at their jobs. I’m looking forward to all the sea life we'll see in the ocean, but I hope to avoid getting accidentally slapped by a flying fish this time!


Hi, I’m Jon and I’m one of the HMS Oardacious rowers this year.
