Hey, kids! Today, I want to share Poland's Easter traditions with you. Easter is a very important holiday in Poland. In fact, it's so important that it's a week long! While Easter is celebrated in Poland and America, they are celebrated quite differently. Read on to learn more!
I learned about Easter in Poland. Easter is the Christian celebration of the biblical story of when Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe is their God, rose from the dead. In Poland, Easter is not just one day, but a whole week called the Great Week.
It begins on Palm Sunday, a week before Easter. On this day, Poles (citizens of Poland) bring dried leaves and branches to church to mark Christ's arrival in Jerusalem, a city considered sacred by Christians. Polish people take a lot of pride in their palms and even have competitions where they all try to make the most ornate palm.
Throughout the week, many religious practices, such as fasting, take place. The next big holiday during the Great Week is Great Friday (in America, we call this day, Good Friday). On this day, churches and cathedrals will put tombstones at their alters symbolizing the death of Christ. These tombstones are even guarded by volunteer firefighters.
The next day, Poles will make Easter baskets and paint eggs.