The days here are mostly warm and sunny, as most of the southern coast of Peru is like a desert and very dry. We face the Pacific Ocean so the water can be quite chilly. But it is a refreshing swim in the hot sun! It is rare to ever see rain here. In fact, I have only seen it rain here twice in two years. We only have two seasons: hot summers and cool winters. The temperature rarely ever gets colder than 50 degrees here.
Here in my home, we have pet fish, birds, a bunny rabbit, and a fluffy white dog named Lyka, who I love to play with every day. As you leave my house, you will quickly be in the center of my town, where there is a cute "plaza de armas," or town square. You will often see dogs roaming through, playing in the grass, and the occasional birds flying from tree to tree. Have you heard of the Peruvian hairless dog? At the end of my town, there is a fishing pier and beach, where you can typically see dolphins, seals, sea birds and a huge variety of fish and rays.