Our News

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I really enjoy playing board games or completing puzzles with my host family and friends here. Soccer is a very popular sport here for boys, and volleyball for girls. This week, we held a bingo in the park, which is a popular activity here. I like to ride my bicycle or go for walks to the huaca in my town, which means sacred site. It is a set of old pre-Incan ruins from the Chincha Empire, people who lived here a long time ago. It is important to the history of how my town came to be. There is also a beautiful view of the ocean from the top of one of the hills there, and I get to pass by various farms growing grapes, mandarins, corn and pomegranates. 

Other news from this week:

This week, I was able bake for my host family to try. They really enjoy trying foods and desserts from the United States. I was also able to video call my family back in the United States. I spent some time washing my clothes by hand (many families here do not own a washing machine), and playing with our dog. 
