La Vida Cotidiana (Everyday Life)

How do you get around?:

I often just use the metro to get around. It's such a convenient form of transportation and works so well! I rarely take the bus and have only taken taxis when I'm pressed for time. I also will walk to get where I need. It's different from America, where I always had the luxury of a car, but I like it.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Well, I teach most days, so I'm usually wearing Chinos and button-up shirts. I find that the dress code is a bit more relaxed as a teacher in Madrid than it was in Chicago. Here, I am allowed to wear jeans and t-shirts if I wish - although, I haven't yet done that. I guess old habits die hard, and Mr. Tarrasch wears business casual.

What do you like to do in your free time?:

I like to play sports, read books and go to art exhibits. I think part of the joy of trying to learn another language is getting to enjoy a different culture. It's not easy, but I've recently started reading Federico Garcia Lorca plays, and I really enjoy them. Lorca is one of Spain's most famous writers, and he even lived in New York City for a while!

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak English and a fairly intermediate level of Spanish. For "hello" I would say either, "hola" or "Buenos dias." Although if you want to be really Spanish, you can just shorten this down to "Buenas." It's like how we say "morning" as opposed to "good morning," the Spaniards will shorten this down to just "Buenas."

Do you have pets?:

No, I do not have any pets.
