Spanish is spoken here in Barranquilla and all over Colombia.
Colombian Pesos are used here. The current exchange rate is 3,000 Colombian Pesos to $1.00 U.S. Dollar.
A bottle of water usually costs 500 pesos or 16 U.S. cents.
When I went to the beach, I ate fried plantains (patacones) and coconut rice (arroz con coco). They were delicious!
I listen to lots of Vallenato music, which is a popular Colombian style of folk music. Vallenato plays everywhere here, from the grocery store to the street.
I enjoyed leaving the city and going on a hike this weekend. Although it was very hot, it felt nice to get out in nature and enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city where I live.
I started reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, who is a world-famous Colombian author.