One of the best aspects about studying abroad is all of the new food that you get to try. Even though Singapore is an expensive country to live in, the cost of food is surprisingly low and affordable. From my experience, an average meal cost less than ten Singapore Dollars. As I have probably mentioned in a previous article, a Hawker Center is like a large cafeteria where multiple different food stalls operate. There are countless Hawker Centers scattered throughout Singapore, and some are more famous than others. The cuisine can include a range of different Asian cultures. For instance, within the same row of food stalls, it is easy to find cuisines inspired by Chinese, Korean, Indian, Indonesian and Malay cultures. Thankfully I made sure to take pictures of all the different foods that I tried. However, I tried so many different dishes that I do not remember all of their names!
I am an adventurous eater, which means that I am not afraid of trying new and unfamiliar foods! Since there are so many different food options in Singapore, it felt like I tried a different dish for every meal I had while staying in this city. Some dishes, such as traditional Singaporean breakfasts, turned out to be a personal favorite of mine. Many dishes contained rice, yet the way in which the rice was presented varied a lot between dishes.