As a kid, I always hoped that my future home would be surrounded by nature. I imagined a house situated in a grassy clearing, next to a flowing river, with groves of trees at the edges. Interestingly enough, Stockholm more or less fits this description, albeit loosely. Unlike the bustling, crowded major cities in Europe, Stockholm is clean and green. It also has open access to multiple waterfronts that cycle in fresh sea air to its 14 islands with their 30 public beaches, eight natural reserves, and innumerable green parks. For me, Stockholm is an ideal combination of city life mixed with nature.
It is important to note, however, that this environment did not come about by chance. Stockholm was recently awarded the first "European Green Capital Award" due to all of their efforts in combating climate change. This city is unique in that they have actually placed sustainability and energy usage as their priority! I think that this city provides a great example of what adaption to one's environment can look like.
In addition to all the nature surrounding the city, Stockholm is unique due to its placement in the northernmost parts of Europe. You may not have given it much thought before, but this has quite an impact on the seasons here.