Ojo de Poeta (Poet's eye), also known as the black-eyed Susan vine, is an invasive species in Colombia. Invasive species are plants, insects or animals that are not native to a specific area. They are often introduced by humans, through trade or immigration, or by the wind or sea carrying seeds to faraway lands. Many invasive species have no predators in their new habitat, and they spread to the point where they cause damage to the native species. This is what is currently happening in Colombia! Ojo de Poeta is a vine, and it slowly winds around trees and other vegetation, blocking the plants from getting enough sunlight, and causing them to die.
Ojo de Poeta is a vine with bright orange flowers. It's a climbing plant, which means it will climb and cover fences, electric poles, buildings and, unfortunately, trees and other plants as well.
At first, I thought it was beautiful! There are so many flowers, and sometimes the vines grow so densely that they form what looks to be a wall of flowers. However, I started to realize how common this plant was, and how it was growing on top of other plants. I did some research and that's when I realized it was an invasive species.