The baobab is called the "tree of life" for a good reason. Baobabs are known for their thick trunks, which store water, allowing these trees to survive in the tough savannah ecosystem. In fact, baobabs are at the center of the entire ecosystem! During the dry season, animals eat baobab fruit for food, and then chew baobab bark when there is no water to drink. There are eight species of baobab, but only the African Baobab is found in Senegal. Did you know that baobabs can live for over 3,000 years!
Baobabs are considered sacred in Senegal, and it is illegal to cut these trees down without a permit. Before a tree is cut down, a marabout (Senegalese spiritual leader) and a griot (historian and storyteller) must bless the tree. Baobabs are often the center of Senegalese communities, and the trees are even used as cemeteries in which to bury griots.
Come learn what makes the African Baobab so unique!
The African Baobab is massive! These trees are between 16 and 85 feet tall, and their trunks can have a circumference of 90 feet! African Baobabs have thick trunks, and branches that grow in every direction, meaning each tree is unique.