What first pops into your head when you think of a taxi? I always imagined the busy streets of New York, but did you know there are over 26,000 taxis in Dakar?
Gold and black taxis can be found on any busy street corner in Dakar and can take you anywhere in the city. But before you even step in the taxi, you and your driver must agree on the price. This is called price negotiation. The driver will always start with an high price, so you negotiate to get a cheaper ride. You can say waani ko ("lower it" in Wolof) to get to a lower price. Most of my taxi rides cost between 2,000 and 3,000 West African Francs, which is Senegal's national currency (money system).
Besides taxis, you can find cars, busses, motorbikes, and even horse-drawn wagons on the streets. Since Dakar is next to the ocean, there is also a ferry boat to two other Senegalese cities. With so many transportation options, the streets are always lively, and it is super easy to travel anywhere in Dakar. I love animals, so it's fun to see horses right next to cars on busy roads.