KP is a woman with many talents. She is fun, light-hearted and easy to get along with. She's also a great teacher! I'm really lucky because she tutors me in both the local languages, Setswana and Kalanga. She has taught me a lot!
My name is Keorapetse!
I’m living in Masunga, which is in the northeast district of Botswana. My house looks like any house you might think of. My kitchen is attached to the sitting room. One thing that is unique is that my bedroom is in a room detached from the kitchen/sitting room. The walls are made from cement to keep us cool in the summer.
I’m living with my nuclear family - that means I stay with my mom and siblings. And my grandmother is just down the road! My dad is living in a different village outside of Masunga with his family. I am the middle child of my mother’s children. I have one older sister and one younger brother!