Kian's Life in Berlin


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up in a different country? What about what it's like to grow up speaking a different (or multiple) languages? Kian, who lives in Germany and is learning three languages, can tell you!

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

"I eat strawberries for breakfast. Lunch depends on whether it is a school lunch or a home lunch. For dinner, we have lots of different things. I like to eat spicy chicken for lunch. My favorite dinner is chili."

What is your house like?:

"My house is tall, we live in a flat on the top floor. There are seven floors (including the cellar). We have a projector to watch movies!"

Since Berlin is a big city, most families live in apartments rather than stand-alone houses.

What chores do you have at home?:

"I help to clean my room. I also get myself dressed and brush my teeth."

Kian is only six years old (but he turns seven soon!). Perhaps as he gets older, his parents will give him more chores...

What jobs do your parents have?:

"Mommy’s job is typing and daddy’s job is a scientist."

Kian's mom is actually a statistician! This means that she works with a lot of numbers on the computer. Kian must see her typing a lot!
