Kian's Life in Berlin

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

"School starts at 8:15 AM and I go home at 3:30 PM."

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

"I go to school by car most of the time, sometimes by train."

Kian is not allowed to go to school on his own yet, but maybe in a few years!

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

"I eat in the lunch hall. My favorite foods are chili and spicy chicken."

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

"At school, I speak English and German. Hello and Hallo."

Kian goes to an international school. This means that there are kids from all over the world in his classroom.

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

"Some common names are Theo, Thomas and Sophia." 

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

"I study German, Math, Unit of Inquiry, Art, Music and Gym. My favorite is Gym."

Are these similar to your classes?

What is your homework like?:

"For homework, I am assigned spelling and reading books." 

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

"I like to learn science with daddy or wrestle with mommy. I also like Tae Kwon Do."

Last weekend, Kian's dad told me that he and Kian made magnetic slime!
