Sunny and hot, as usual! It nearly knocks your breath out when you step outdoors sometimes. We went on a boat ride to a tiny island called Illot Bernaches earlier this week. On the way, we saw a waterspout in the distance! Pretty exciting, but it didn't last long and we never saw a single raindrop.
We saw tons of stray dogs and cats. I was running around my neighborhood yesterday and got chased down by two small dogs. I wasn't sure if they were friendly or not, but they immediately started jumping all over me and begging me to pet them. Of course I had to oblige! The usual birds and lizards were all over the place, too. One lizard was in my bedroom!
Definitely the waterspout! I had never seen one before. A waterspout is basically a tornado that is over water, but it sucks water instead of debris up into a rotating funnel. They are usually not hazardous, but they can become so if they get very powerful or reach land.