The island is so far out into the ocean that it is difficult to go almost anywhere. Children growing up here might wonder what the rest of the world is like. If family lives on other islands or in other countries, it is typically difficult to visit. Flights to mainland Africa take about five hours and are often too expensive for many families to travel.
Education and work opportunities are limited by what is available on this very small island, unless one wants to move away. Some jobs that are common elsewhere simply don't exist here. Additionally, people who have lived here for a very long time tend to run into people they know all the time. This can be a good or bad thing depending on how well you get along with someone you hope will hire you for a job!
Stray animals are seen all over the island. Unfortunately, most are not spayed or neutered, so stray puppies and kittens are born all the time. Litter is also a problem, and it's sad to see plastic floating in the ocean or in other water sources.
The island community focuses on helping young people to go to school or college in other countries. Many are able to get financial aid to study in Europe, and then they return later to bring new knowledge back to Mauritius.
One solution to high travel costs was to create space on a cargo ship that runs between Mauritius and the nearby island of Rodrigues. People who want to save money are able to buy a seat for a long journey by boat to Rodrigues.
Over time, the human body adapts to extreme temperatures.