Daily Life


I interview an English teacher that I work with whose English name is Maggie. She teaches English at a school in Puli, Taiwan, which is near the center of the island. 

The following answers are edited for grammar and clarity. 

What is your full name?:

My English is Maggie Yang and my Chinese name is Yang Wei-Hsuan. In Chinese and many other Asian languages, the "xing" (姓) or family name comes first, so that's why "Yang" is first. 

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live in Puli, Nantou County during the week, but I go back to Taichung (a major city on the west coast) on the weekends because that's where some of my family is. My Puli apartment is pretty small and I share it with one roommate. My family's house in Taichung is bigger because my grandparents also live there. 

What is your family like?:

My dad is a professor and lives in Taiwan. Some of my grandparents live here in Taiwan too. My mom and two younger brothers live in New Zealand. I visit them during the breaks. 

How do you get around?:

In Puli, I have a motorbike that I use to get around. When I go back to Taichung, I take a bus that takes about one hour. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

I wear mostly normal clothing. Taiwan is pretty Western!
