Anaille is a 13-year-old boy that loves to play soccer and hang out with his friends. He lives in Reims with a brother and a sister who are both younger than him. He doesn't like homework but enjoys going to school. He likes the winter because the city puts up pretty lights in the street, and during Christmas, his whole extended family gets together. Like most kids, Anaille has a routine he follows every day and unlike most kids, he enjoys his chore of taking out the trash!
I eat bread, cheese, pastries and yogurt for breakfast. I eat whatever the school offers for lunch. For dinner, I eat pasta, meat and chicken dishes, and whatever else my mom makes. On the weekends, I eat with my family.
My house is three stories tall. It is nice. It has a small backyard.
I take out the trash and I put away the dishes.
Both of my parents work in the medical field. My mom owns a home clinic service and my dad sells medicines.