Life in Mbarara

This is very interesting and I enjoy fieldwork because it allows me to see a lot of Mbarara’s towns and villages.

This is the first time I am living on my own (aside from attendingboarding school for high school). My college was only 30 minutes away from my house, so I commuted every day back then. Living on my own, especially here in Mbarara, isn’t always easy. I do everything myself to maintain the apartment and cook. Another thing about living alone in a new country is that it can also be very boring. But once you settle into a routine and make friends, you can have a lot of fun!  

After work, I make dinner or, on occasion, eat out. I then relax and do some reading or writing. Sometimes, I talk to a few friends and family back home. Other times, I like to have movie nights. Although there are internet service providers here, they are way too expensive and limited, so I don't stream movies. However, there are shops that sell a lot of movies on DVD, where I was surprised to find very recent movies instock. Finally, my weekends are spent exploring my new community and traveling around.
