The Saarschleife is about 45 minutes away from Saarbrücken. It was a really beautiful drive and was so nice to get out of the city for a little break.
Before Corona hit, I used to travel a lot more frequently. I would normally try to go somewhere every time there was a school break or a long weekend. As a result, I have been to Spain, Hungary, Croatia, Luxembourg and France to name a few places I've traveled to since moving to Germany. Europe is so much easier to get around in than the U.S.A, so traveling is normally pretty cheap and easy, here!
I normally walk everywhere in the city. I occasinoally take the bus if I need to get to the university to tutor (about 15 min). Occasionally, my roommate will drive me places in her car.
The Saarschleife was definitely the highlight of my week!