Our News

What activity was the most fun this week?:

This week, I pruned the fruit trees in my university's orchard. We grow heirloom varieties of apples, pears, and persimmons. 

What did I read this week?:

This week, I read two very different things. I started the science fiction book Dune which a friend gifted. Have you read Dune? It's very popular. I also read a couple of essays on Food sovereignty and Food Regimes. These are two very important topics in food studies that concern everyday people's rights to decision-making over the foods they eat. If you want to learn more about food sovereignty, you can find resources and a video from La Via Campesina. This international peasants' movement advocates for farmers across the world!


What games or sports did I play this week?:

I played a dice game called 36 with my friend from Switzerland. It is quick and easy and can be played at the table. 

Other news from this week:

This week, on Sunday, there was a train strike in Italy, so we couldn't travel by train. Since these strikes happen often, we plan not to travel far. 
